I know this isn’t news to any of the readers of this blog, but I thought it was important to post articles that fit right in with the purpose of my writing here. My emphasis is bold and comments
The long and short of it is that the Church's doctrine has always been available in many languages, even during its development in the Roman empire. However, the language which everything has been translated into and used as official was Latin. To not maintain
From the mouths of babes, the famous Fr. McBrien at Notre Dame:
Many “progressive Catholics” remain in the Church only because they have found refuge on college campuses “where the long arms of a bishop cannot reach,” writes Fr.
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According to Immanuel Kant, there are fundamental features of reality that escape our direct knowledge because of the natural limits of
It’s old news that secular society is growing and religion is shrinking both in Europe and the United States. But just in case you didn’t believe what you hear or see on the street, take a look at this new
Understanding where you came from is part of understanding who you are and where you can/are going. When that history is locked in a language that fewer and fewer people know, it becomes more valuable.
Study Latin, particularly if
Battle for the Core highly supports and identifies with this video as it doesn’t support this idea that Christ calls the meek to be weak:
Those who say that the Church should not be triumphant sometimes know
In the latest edition of Serra Connects I have written a bit more about what my position at Serra International consists of. I have copied it below.
Serra's second issue of Serra Connects is available for viewing and download here. I will post separately my article.