Learn these three words:
These three words summarize the three main worldviews with regard to the relationship between God and the world…that is every
Before the weekend break, in my post
earlier, I mentioned that the distinction between atheism and theism is probably the most ancient and serious distinction that has been around. The question of when and why religion began appearing on the earth is something that has always intrigued
I just have to share this video:
You thought I was talking about another kind of extremism, didn’t you?I’d really like to examine how that word has come
Comments andEmphasis
22 February 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Lenten season offers us once again an opportunity to reflect upon the very heart of Christian life: charity. This is a favourable time to renew our journey of faith,
It can be both. Today from the Cardinal Newman Society we see the effect that writing on the internet can have. My comments are in blue and emphasis in bold:
Villanova Cancels Invitation to Radical Gay
From the Cardinal Newman Society:
The Faithful Catholic College Boom
It’s springtime for faithful Catholic colleges in America, the National Catholic Register is reporting, with an emphasis on those featured in The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College.
For a
If you saw my post about Fulton Sheen, you would have heard him read the following passage from Nietzsche, which I am sure many of you are familiar with:
THE MADMAN—-Have you not heard of that madman who
Please watch the greatest Fulton Sheen episode, in my opinion, ever created, divisit in tres partes:
I was thinking this morning after reading in Aquinas his treatment of teleology, or in other words, directed/oriented/consistent/purpose filled behavior, I found it perpexing that he ends his sentence with “unless by chance: “Respondeo dicendum quod omne
My emphasis in bold.
To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, andBishops of the Catholic World in Grace andCommunion with the Apostolic See.
Liberty, the highest of