For those of the more academic bent, please consider reading Étienne Gilson' book “Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge” (Réalisme thomiste et critique de la connaissance, Vrin, 1939.). As my friend said, it's “drop everything” good!
Here's a related video:
From the left: Nietzsche, Marx, Russell, Kant, DescartesFrom the right: G.K. Chesterton, Aquinas, Cicero, C.S. Lewis, Plato
I thought I would take the opportunity to explain what my bold
All is relative…relatively objective that is. Whether things are small or large doesn't matter because these are descriptors. They words that we invented. Things are the size that they are despite whether we can wrap our heads around them with
“True law is right reason in agreement with nature ; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from
wrongdoing by its prohibitions…It is a sin to try to
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What is truth?
I thought it would be good to take a step back and review what truth is in the most general sense. Welcome to philosophy! As simple
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