Where do we end up after years and years of downplaying and making theology deliberately more vague and humanist? Well, eventually the state just recognizes what everyone else already does….the schools that aren’t Catholic anymore. Who cares what the
How do we know there is no contradiction between biology and belief in God? Certainly not by the methods of science. Its called logic…
Scientists: No Contradiction Between Evolutionary Biology And Belief In God
RIMINI, ITALY, August 24
Recently in my reading a quote stood out to me:
“It is certainly true that if physics has to move back farther and farther in the regress from universe to multi-verse to something that gave rise to
This past November I traveled to Rome for a Vocation congress put on the by Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations headed by Monseigneur Bonnici and finalized by Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski.The document points out various forms which have been useful in promoting vocations to the priesthood.
The head of the supreme tribunal in Rome, Cardinal Raymond Burke, has stated that students of Catholic universities have the right to know which of their teachers have signed the oath of fidelity to the Church’s teaching.
It’s a
The matter with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru is settled as far as the Catholic Church is concerned:
N. 3168/12/RS
The Secretary of State, fulfilling the mandate of His Holiness
All of my 18 years of “formal” education (K-12-Masters) has been in a co-ed environment. This includes everything from learning how to tie my shoes, algebra, public speaking class, calculus and heck…even philosophy. One of my Latin classes on
One of the oldest universities in Europe (notice I didn’t say oldest Catholic university since they were ALL Catholic)…makes a declaration of independence.
The Catholic University of Leuven, or of Louvain, was the largest, oldest and most prominent university in
In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must