A Better Part Of Chicago – Cantius

I heard about the parish when I was a freshman at Franciscan University and thought, “If I ever move to Chicago, I know where I’ll be going to Mass.” It turned out to be especially true because within a few months we had gathered the young professionals of the parish together for Wednesday low Masses, what would become Quo Vadis-Juventutem. (now called Quo Vadis)
Though I certainly can’t identify my friendships in Chicago with only the parish or Catholics, it became clear that anyone I became friends with, once invited there, quickly became so.
Before I left for Houston, the group had a going away party — people that I will never forget and hope to see again soon.
Here’s a history of the group in photos:
If you want to get in touch with them, please contact the new coordinator Rachel Rauwolf or send a message to the page. Go find them, they are good people.
As the group was growing I was lucky to be able to visit similar Juventutem groups around the world: Rio, Hong Kong, Rome, London and others.
Here’s a brief history of Cantius: