The well known and eminent scholar Fr. James V. Schall, American Jesuit Roman Catholic priest, teacher, writer and philosopher, spoke earlier this semester at the University of St. Thomas.  The talk was entitled, âIs Intelligence Impractical? â Reflections of a
June 6–12 Schola Latina Corcagiensis (Cork, Irland)
June 10–July 16 Living Latin in Rome (Rome, Italy)
June 26–August 20 Academia Vivarium Novum (Rome, Italy)
July 2–16 Scholae Aestivae in Italia (Montella, Italy)
July 3–7 Colloquia Latina IV (Barcelona, Spain)
July 3–21 Polis Latin (Rome, Italy)
July 7–13 L.V.P.A. Seminarium Latinum
So far in the book, Aristotle has established that there is one end that we all share and are directed towards by our very being: happiness. Happiness is that for the sake of which all else is done: it is
Chapter 1 – Since only voluntary actions receive praise or blame, how do they differ from involuntary actions?
Compulsion – any case where the course of action lies in a thing outside agent and he contributes nothing.
Various examples of mixed
In this book, Aristotle sets out to define virtue. Complete definitions consist of a genus (matter), specific difference (form), agent, and end. He establishes the genus as hexis (disposition) by first considering the various principles in the soul, the specific
Chapter 1 – What are Goods?
There are many ends or goods because each work, art, inquiry has an end its directed to and these ends are all for a telos/good.
Every action that a human being does is for the
Since 2004, the University of Fribourg has been offering a “philosophical retreat for executive staff” to some 15 candidates, aged between 40 and 50. “Before they came here, a lot of participants had had ‘toolbox training’ and were satisfied, but
Chapter 1 – The need for common sense
Since the senses perceive each other’s objects incidentally whenever they are directed at one moment to two different qualities (because they form a unity), and since, the the assertion of the identity
Chapter 1 – The Definition of Soul – Cause to Effect
In this first chapter, Aristotle claims matter and form correspond to body and soul, because a living thing is a natural body that exhibits the characteristics of sense and nutrition.
Chapter 1 – The Plan of Study of the Soul
Sentence: Since activities and powers of soul (form) appear to always involve the body (matter), and since the natural philosopher studies form in matter (properties), the natural philosopher should study