If you saw my post about Fulton Sheen, you would have heard him read the following passage from Nietzsche, which I am sure many of you are familiar with:
THE MADMAN—-Have you not heard of that madman who
Please watch the greatest Fulton Sheen episode, in my opinion, ever created, divisit in tres partes:
Damien Thompson at the Daily Telegraph sets the record straight. As always, my comments are in blue, emphasis in bold:
“…But the crucial point is that the sharpest young opinion-formers are atheists. This is a development
Readers, please welcome the newest ad campaign on the Chicago Transit system!
Does this look familiar?
All ideologies naturally proselytize themselves…why should they not? They are truth claims about the world outside. Unless
A few weeks ago, Edward Feser had an excellent analysis of reductionism in general through a response to Alex Rosenberg. This point is very important to the Battle for the Core of the World because so much of Christianity was founded