Beginning in Houston

Well maybe not that settled in but I took the picture at your local watering hole.
Let’s get the smalltalk out of the way – to all those who complain about the heat without even being here or who were telling me I was going to die – really, its not that bad. Maybe you helped with my mental preparation, but its just like a Chicago winter except you’re a lot further from dying by sun poisoning than you are from hypothermia and frost bite in general. So relax and come down to the soggy sun – if you have to.

Second, yes classes have begun and I’ve got three: Metaphysics, Justice and Religion (Faith and Reason). Its going to be hard for me to not turn this blog into something decisively academic in the future as my head is being infected with so many great ideas, but (ya’ll) will just have to roll with it.
I’ve also been given a great opportunity to work for the John Paul II Forum (Facebook page is brand new) which helps promote understanding of the thought of Pope John Paul II, while equipping the new evangelization. If you are interested in either of these two aspects, please send me an email and I’ll get you in touch.
Last, it seems there are great people here as well…who would have thought?