Bringing Catholic Back-Church Militant
Those who say that the Church should not be triumphant sometimes know what they are talking about, but most of the time they don’t. The statement “Triumphaism is wrong” is too broad because part of the Church is indeed triumphant—the Church triumphant and we should have hope to belong to it one day as it exists alongside us right this very moment. Right now we are in the Church militant and there is nothing noble about a military looking at itself as the Church defeated or even the Church not to be celebrated–that would be against the joyful spirit of Vatican II. A military has hope in its victory and can have that joy.
“Modeling his life on that of Him he represents he will gladly spend and be spent on behalf of souls. Souls he seeks everywhere and always, not what the world can offer him. «To be a priest and to be a man dedicated to work is one and the same thing», wrote Bl. Pius X; and he liked to quote the words of the synod presided over by St. Charles Borromeo: «let every cleric repeat again and again: he has been called not to a life of ease and leisure, but to hard work in the spiritual army of the Church. Those words, beloved sons, recall another fact one dare not forget. We belong to the Church militant ; and she is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator’s supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights. No rank of the clergy is spared ; and the faithful—their number is legion—inspired by the valiant endurance of their shepherds and fathers in Christ, stand firm, ready to suffer and die, as the martyrs of old, for the one true Faith taught by Jesus Christ. Into that militia you seek to be admitted as leaders. -Venerable. Pope Pius XII delivered on 14 October 1953 (Acta Apostalicae Sedis 45 (1953) pp 679 ff.) at the opening of the North American College in Rome.
We will triumph in the end and those who are bashful about it can go join the secular camp. There is no virtue in putting yourself down. There is nothing noble about boasting, but this is not –this is excitement and joy in having found the right place, the winning side. Are you teasing or looking down on other people because they aren’t a part of it? If not then take joy in that video again!