The concept in the title isn’t only a Christian thing to do. It’s a human thing to do.In the Phaedo, Socrates famously encouraged reflection on your own personal mortality, and what kind of life you are living: just or unjust. For if
A few of my favorite short quotes before you post yours:
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.
Hold firmly that our faith is identical
This weekend I attended a conference given by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on the Sacred Liturgy at my home parish, St. John Cantius. I have been visiting his blog off and on for a number of years and find his contributions
Many of you were following my series on the document Libertas Praestantissimum (On the Nature of True Liberty) and wonder when the next installment is coming (we left off on point 12). To wet your appetite again, I
This is no parody. This is no joke. This is put out by as a serious campaign piece.
I don’t know what to say except I hope the bishops and pope sees this one, along
The long and short of it is that the Church's doctrine has always been available in many languages, even during its development in the Roman empire. However, the language which everything has been translated into and used as official was Latin. To not
From the mouths of babes, the famous Fr. McBrien at Notre Dame:
Many “progressive Catholics” remain in the Church only because they have found refuge on college campuses “where the long arms of a bishop cannot reach,” writes Fr.
Battle for the Core highly supports and identifies with this video as it doesn’t support this idea that Christ calls the meek to be weak:
Those who say that the Church should not be triumphant sometimes know
Where do we end up after years and years of downplaying and making theology deliberately more vague and humanist? Well, eventually the state just recognizes what everyone else already does….the schools that aren’t Catholic anymore. Who cares what the