Lately, I’m all about getting to the root of catchy phrases that have serious implications behind them.
While we don’t see these sort of assemblies around and probably never will…the video, intentionally or not, does make a powerful point I made
It is possible: Christmas music that is both comical but sublime. Enjoy!
Over 2000 years ago, before the birth of Christ, the poet Virgil wrote this:
Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.
Iam redit
At Thanksgiving, we are fortunate enough to celebrate in the United States by eating lots of food…good food. We remind ourselves of what we really have by bringing it all out…not just food, but family and friends. But there is
It’s becoming popular to recognize and ‘tweet’ about what wisdom would have told us 3000 years ago, 60 years ago and today. Technology’s connecting us to others – texting, Facebook, email – doesn’t necessarily fulfill our need for community. In fact, technology
Today order (which for Aristotle is basically a synonym for beauty) is often condemned as a product of our ‘conspiracy theory perception’ (1) and not actually part of the object, leaving it with no natural significance. Many of the moderns
In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must
Prayer for Government
We pray, Thee O Almighty and Eternal God! Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may
The famous atheist blogger, Leah Libresco, announced on her blog at Patheos last week that she has joined RCIA classes to become Catholic. Her post entitled “This is my last post for the Patheos Atheist Portal” sent a shockwave through the
Mentioned earlier, the film “For Greater Glory”, telling the story of the Cristero’s fight for religious freedom from an imposing secularized government in the 20’s apparently did quite well for a movie of its budget. It was shown on only
That is how humanists tend to view religious people…at least in America.