The front cover editorial of the Catholic Standard, DC’s Catholic newspaper, had the following to say about Georgetown’s invitation to the architect of the HHS mandate which has been condemned by every bishop in the United States:
As referenced a few times before, it seems that the faith and reason that accompanies it is not being transmitted very well… It is already apparent that this is the case but now there are more numbers. From the
It comes to our attention this morning that a number of professors at Notre dame (49) have signed a letter asking for Bishop Jenky to resign from the board of Trustees of the university following his controversial remarks (which
I think many times we have the benevolent impression that we are given from humanists: “We want the best for mankind without worrying about an afterlife. Let’s focus on improving the world now.” Now of course not
We have some disappointing news from the Cardinal Newmans Society which continues to inform us on the sad state of Catholic higher education in many places in the United States:
Priest at USD: No Professor or
Peru's University still in a shuffle:
Pontifical University In Peru Rejects Vatican Deadline
LIMA, PERU, April 10 (CNA/EWTN News) .- The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru says it refuses to comply with a Vatican deadline to reform
The largest gathering of the secular humanist movement in world history will be taking place 24 March 2012 called the “Reason Rally” to be hosted at the National Mall in DC. Yes, you heard that right…”Reason Rally,”
Damien Thompson at the Daily Telegraph sets the record straight. As always, my comments are in blue, emphasis in bold:
“…But the crucial point is that the sharpest young opinion-formers are atheists. This is a development
Maybe this isn’t worth my time, but in an lecture at the Jaipur Literature Fest, posted by the Times of India, Richard Dawkins, probably the most famous atheist in the world since the passing of Christopher Hitchens,