Bishop Conley is the Bishop of Lincoln, Neb. A version of these remarks was offered at the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education’s Regional Catholic Classical Schools Conference on July 5, 2017, in Denver, Colo.
Fifty years ago this month, in July
The well known and eminent scholar Fr. James V. Schall, American Jesuit Roman Catholic priest, teacher, writer and philosopher, spoke earlier this semester at the University of St. Thomas.  The talk was entitled, âIs Intelligence Impractical? â Reflections of a
A new video from the Family Policy Institute of Washington gives some perspective on what it means to apply the logic of modern ‘tolerance’ consistently.(c/o LSN) It reminds me of Fulton Sheen’s comment.
Modern science alone isn’t going to give
The long and short of it is that the Church's doctrine has always been available in many languages, even during its development in the Roman empire. However, the language which everything has been translated into and used as official was Latin. To not maintain
From the mouths of babes, the famous Fr. McBrien at Notre Dame:
Many “progressive Catholics” remain in the Church only because they have found refuge on college campuses “where the long arms of a bishop cannot reach,” writes Fr.
The head of the supreme tribunal in Rome, Cardinal Raymond Burke, has stated that students of Catholic universities have the right to know which of their teachers have signed the oath of fidelity to the Church’s teaching.
It’s a
The matter with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru is settled as far as the Catholic Church is concerned:
N. 3168/12/RS
The Secretary of State, fulfilling the mandate of His Holiness
One of the oldest universities in Europe (notice I didn’t say oldest Catholic university since they were ALL Catholic)…makes a declaration of independence.
The Catholic University of Leuven, or of Louvain, was the largest, oldest and most prominent university in
I’ve decided that I will start an organization here in Chicago that will promote….Veracity and Correctness! This organization will hand out flyers to people on the importance of being Correct in what you say and organize events
This is a topic which has come up very much lately with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Georgetown and will continue to come up. The Jesuit priest, Fr. Robert John Araujo, SJ, a graduate of Georgetown University and, the John