Here we continue our analysis of Libertas Praestantissimum, the relevant encyclical of Leo XIII in 1888. Read here the last (and first post), in which Leo XIII defines liberty and begins identifying the modern shift in its definition. Here follows
I think many times we have the benevolent impression that we are given from humanists: “We want the best for mankind without worrying about an afterlife. Let’s focus on improving the world now.” Now of course not
A quote from Stephen Hawking earlier today via Biltrix surprised me:
“This may sound odd, but according to the laws of nature concerning gravity and motion, laws that are among the oldest in science, space itself is
We have some disappointing news from the Cardinal Newmans Society which continues to inform us on the sad state of Catholic higher education in many places in the United States:
Priest at USD: No Professor or
In light of all the public debate about religious liberty, and confusion of terms following Vatican II's document Dignitatis Humanae, I thought it would be useful to review/parse the most directly related document the Church has ever produced on the topic of
Peru's University still in a shuffle:
Pontifical University In Peru Rejects Vatican Deadline
LIMA, PERU, April 10 (CNA/EWTN News) .- The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru says it refuses to comply with a Vatican deadline to reform
The famous and anti-spiritual Richard Dawkins is still on the campaign trail for secularism following two “Reason Rallies”, one in DC and the other in Australia. Along the way he decided he would take a debate
So maybe it wasn’t an official endorsement but here’s part of Pope Benedict XVI’s Easter Vigil homily on 07 April 2012, where he hammers home an essential point:
Photo from Daylife
I thought I would share a few relevant quotes this morning:
“If people are scandalized at the Truth, it is better to allow the birth of scandal, than to abandon the Truth.”
Pope Saint Gregory
For those of the more academic bent, please consider reading Étienne Gilson' book “Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge” (Réalisme thomiste et critique de la connaissance, Vrin, 1939.). As my friend said, it's “drop everything” good!
Here's a related video: