There have been so many good philosophy-related memes around out there recently that I decided to compile 10 of my favorite. is your favorite? Leave a comment below.
It’s funny how when you were a child you were told you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I want to do this, but I’ll be honest – not enough to make it happen. Some things you
This is no parody. This is no joke. This is put out by as a serious campaign piece.
I don’t know what to say except I hope the bishops and pope sees this one, along
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According to Immanuel Kant, there are fundamental features of reality that escape our direct knowledge because of the natural limits of
That is how humanists tend to view religious people…at least in America.
From the left: Nietzsche, Marx, Russell, Kant, DescartesFrom the right: G.K. Chesterton, Aquinas, Cicero, C.S. Lewis, Plato
I thought I would take the opportunity to explain what my bold
Back in 2006, when I was a senior in high school I was in physics class and our physics teacher, Mr. Scott, showed us the Van de Graph generator. I thought to myself, cool…lets make one. After doing some
I just have to share this video:
You thought I was talking about another kind of extremism, didn’t you?I’d really like to examine how that word has come