goodbye Chicago!
So what am I up to these days before heading down to Texas? Not that any of you caaaare… but I’ve been spending most of my time with a one-of-a-kind fellow named Reginald Foster – studying Latin.
He has a
In April of this year I was accepted to pursue doctoral studies at the only school I wanted to attend – The Center for Thomistic Studies in Houston, USA. I looked into the Angelicum (Rome), Leuven (Belgium) and others, but this
This past month I was lucky enough to head to Rome for a 5th time, but this time I had the privilege to go with my family on vacation. I decided I would share a few reflections from the journey
On 14 February 2014, I will be delivering a paper in Greenville SC entitled Veritas Intactilis: An Aristotelian Response to New Atheism. The abstract has been published as follows:
No matter the level of training in philosophy or lack
Within 48 hours I attended two Juventutem masses (young adults interested in the extraordinary form).
First as you might’ve heard, a Juventutem group in Chicago was officially confirmed this past Wednesday with a pontifical high mass with Bishop Perry.
For those Serrans out there and anyone else who might be interested, registration for the international convention 20-22 June 2013 in Mallorca is taking place now.
Serra’s 71st International Convention will be held in the City of
In the latest edition of Serra Connects I have written a bit more about what my position at Serra International consists of. I have copied it below.
Serra's second issue of Serra Connects is available for viewing and download here. I will post separately my article.
This past November I traveled to Rome for a Vocation congress put on the by Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations headed by Monseigneur Bonnici and finalized by Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski.The document points out various forms which have been useful in promoting vocations to the priesthood.