In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must
I’ve decided that I will start an organization here in Chicago that will promote….Veracity and Correctness! This organization will hand out flyers to people on the importance of being Correct in what you say and organize events
It appears Dawkins is at it again today. This time I agree with his first few statements.
People who describe themselves as Catholic but do not accept the church’s key teachings should be “honest” and admit they no
Lady Liberty in the French Revolution
We have been away from the topic for a while now and will return from where we left off.
13. Moreover, the
In the “enlightenment”, in fact the claim to enlightenment is the idea that we will now focus on the stuff that really matters…the mechanical the manipulation of matter to for technology’s sake, leaving behind our concern
Some of you may have heard of the book by Edward Feser called “The Last Superstition”. If you have not read it, read it. It is definitely in my top 3 favorite books of all time.
Why? I
As referenced a few times before, it seems that the faith and reason that accompanies it is not being transmitted very well… It is already apparent that this is the case but now there are more numbers. From the
Are “Reason Rallies” more important than (empirical) science?
If for nothing else, this project makes a point…that the confidence in the explanatory power of modern empirical science esps (MES) espoused by Richard Dawkins remains limited. The shroud
Transhumanism is the idea that man should eventually transform and make improvements on his body by technological advances. The goal is to become posthuman.
Nearly all religious traditions have held that life after death is something which awaits
I think many times we have the benevolent impression that we are given from humanists: “We want the best for mankind without worrying about an afterlife. Let’s focus on improving the world now.” Now of course not