(Just a note, I am writing this article partly for my own benefit and so, please don’t ‘judge’ it according to full academic standards. That’s not my purpose here; it is, however, to speak philosophy in layman’s terms)
“Don’t judge!” We’ve
My Translation
Different colors are different premises.
Bold words were not known on first read.
Italics are questions
My Translation (for the purposes of studying)
= implicit idea made
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be another person or “in their shoes,” you may have that option in the relatively near future. In February a head transplant procedure was announced, and now it has its first volunteer,
Have you ever felt like you have so many choices to review that there’s no way you can ever choose and now you are paralyzed? You wish you didn’t have to choose.
But at the same time, you would never choose to
Besides recent events in Chicago, this video has been making rounds on the internet:
It’s interesting to see how most people today need and require physical experience or demonstration before believing something, when knowledge about a things nature is a suitable guide.
A few of my favorite short quotes before you post yours:
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.
Hold firmly that our faith is identical
What is it about nature that is so appealing to some people and unattractive to others? Aristotle’s distinction between art (anything created by man from poetry to technology), and nature is useful here. Art (techne in Greek – the origin of
At Thanksgiving, we are fortunate enough to celebrate in the United States by eating lots of food…good food. We remind ourselves of what we really have by bringing it all out…not just food, but family and friends. But there is
This article on Francis endorsing evolution is getting tossed around everywhere like its another cave-in at Rome.
My favorite part is how the secular media (a bunch of communication majors) confidently comments on a topic, apparently without looking at existing Church commentary beyond
Have you ever felt like you have so many choices to review that there’s no way you can ever choose and now you are paralyzed? Well you’re in luck, here at CatholiConnection we’ve developed a few different methods for eliminating