Pornography is another elephant in the room and something which has destroyed many lives and souls and …well we can only guess how many vocations to the priesthood were stubbed out because of it. This article recently appeared in
Some of you may have heard of the book by Edward Feser called “The Last Superstition”. If you have not read it, read it. It is definitely in my top 3 favorite books of all time.
Why? I
It has been a while since a post on Libertas. Here is 7-9. Below follows the text:
10. From this it is manifest that the eternal law of God is the sole standard and rule of human liberty, not only
As referenced a few times before, it seems that the faith and reason that accompanies it is not being transmitted very well… It is already apparent that this is the case but now there are more numbers. From the
Are “Reason Rallies” more important than (empirical) science?
If for nothing else, this project makes a point…that the confidence in the explanatory power of modern empirical science esps (MES) espoused by Richard Dawkins remains limited. The shroud
We left off by recognizing that reasoning always takes place before an act of will/volition. Thus continues the text:
7. Such, then, being the condition of human liberty, it necessarily stands in need of light and strength
Transhumanism is the idea that man should eventually transform and make improvements on his body by technological advances. The goal is to become posthuman.
Nearly all religious traditions have held that life after death is something which awaits
I think many times we have the benevolent impression that we are given from humanists: “We want the best for mankind without worrying about an afterlife. Let’s focus on improving the world now.” Now of course not
A quote from Stephen Hawking earlier today via Biltrix surprised me:
“This may sound odd, but according to the laws of nature concerning gravity and motion, laws that are among the oldest in science, space itself is
The famous and anti-spiritual Richard Dawkins is still on the campaign trail for secularism following two “Reason Rallies”, one in DC and the other in Australia. Along the way he decided he would take a debate