I found the following pamphlet, called “How To Live One Day at a Time” in a dusty old library. I later discovered that the book was out of print, in the public domain, and worth the short amount of typing.
First Things published a piece by Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia (found here), wherein he describes the importance of Veritatis Splendor, an encyclical written by St. John Paul II on the importance of philosophy in our time. As you might expect, this
Lately, I’m all about getting to the root of catchy phrases that have serious implications behind them.
While we don’t see these sort of assemblies around and probably never will…the video, intentionally or not, does make a powerful point I made
It has happened many times that someone will ask me the question “Are you religious?” or, “You seem religious, is that right?” and I have difficulty responding in a way that will allow them to grasp my perspective, without simply
This article on Francis endorsing evolution is getting tossed around everywhere like its another cave-in at Rome.
My favorite part is how the secular media (a bunch of communication majors) confidently comments on a topic, apparently without looking at existing Church commentary beyond
Religious practice continues to decline in the West, but why, and what does that have to do with the photo I just clicked on?
The typical educated person in the same society would explain this as Auguste Comte did: Man is moving
The secularization of France, once the daughter of the Church, continues. According to katholisches the French Senate claims that in the next year there will be around 2,800 churches in the country which will be demolished. Why? They are empty and
Behold! The latest and greatest evidence out there to show that God doesn’t exist, brought to you by…wait for it…empirical science! The higgs boson, mentioned in the previous post is the answer to why the “supernatural” is really
This is no parody. This is no joke. This is put out by womensordination.org as a serious campaign piece.
I don’t know what to say except I hope the bishops and pope sees this one, along with