First Things published a piece by Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia (found here), wherein he describes the importance of Veritatis Splendor, an encyclical written by St. John Paul II on the importance of philosophy in our time. As you might expect, this
This article on Francis endorsing evolution is getting tossed around everywhere like its another cave-in at Rome.
My favorite part is how the secular media (a bunch of communication majors) confidently comments on a topic, apparently without looking at existing Church commentary beyond
Religious practice continues to decline in the West, but why, and what does that have to do with the photo I just clicked on?
The typical educated person in the same society would explain this as Auguste Comte did: Man is moving
It’s old news that secular society is growing and religion is shrinking both in Europe and the United States. But just in case you didn’t believe what you hear or see on the street, take a look at this new
Where do we end up after years and years of downplaying and making theology deliberately more vague and humanist? Well, eventually the state just recognizes what everyone else already does….the schools that aren’t Catholic anymore. Who cares what the
How do we know there is no contradiction between biology and belief in God? Certainly not by the methods of science. Its called logic…
Scientists: No Contradiction Between Evolutionary Biology And Belief In God
RIMINI, ITALY, August 24
In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must
The front cover editorial of the Catholic Standard, DC’s Catholic newspaper, had the following to say about Georgetown’s invitation to the architect of the HHS mandate which has been condemned by every bishop in the United States:
Some of you may have heard of the book by Edward Feser called “The Last Superstition”. If you have not read it, read it. It is definitely in my top 3 favorite books of all time.
Why? I
As referenced a few times before, it seems that the faith and reason that accompanies it is not being transmitted very well… It is already apparent that this is the case but now there are more numbers. From the