Discoverer of “God Particle” calls Dawkins an Embarrassment

Want an example of concentrating his attack on ‘fundamentalists’ (who usually aren’t reasonable anyways)? His most famous book, The God Delusion, gives only TWO PAGES out of the whole book to address the most famous and credible ‘proof’ (in the scholastic sense) for God’s existence–the cosmological argument. St. Thomas Aquinas is severely misrepresented with the summary that “There must have been a time when no physical things existed. But, since physical things exist now, there must have been something non-physical to bring them into existence, and that something we call God.” (Dawkins, 77).
Seriously, that’s what Dawkins believes Aquinas’ argument for God’s existence consists in. No mention of teleology. No mention of Act and Potency. No mention of Contingency or prime matter. In fact, Aquinas never even uses the term ‘physical things’ because there was no distinction to be made…this is merely Dawkins imposing on Aquinas his physicalist/materialist view of the world, and it is either because he is intellectually dishonest towards his readers or he is just a twit who is making huge philosophical claims without having studied it seriously in his life. Most educated people, even in the scientific community, would see the error in reading Aquinas and comparing it with Dawkins’ summary of him. The pop mob that Dawkins has following him is a different story.
The rest of The God Delusion is filled with ad hominems addressing what so and so Christian scientist said and how they really misunderstand science, and it is filled with arguments against theological ideas, miracles and God, because he is reducible to a teddy bear to get through life for weak people. I believe that Peter Higgs, insofar as I barely know him, is at least aware that there is a significant tradition of reason based arguments for the existence of God, otherwise he wouldn’t distinguish between fundamentalist and…well I think he is implying the Greek/Catholic/Christian philosophical tradition. How can someone have the intestinal fortitude to write a book addressing the topic of God’s existence and ignore the history ‘proofs’ for God’s existence in favor of William Paley and the biggest intellectual clowns that Christendom has had inside (and outside) their walls? They aren’t straw arguments, they are simply weak arguments. Unfortunately they are appealing when put in a pop book–popular only because “what a travesty it would be if God didn’t exist.”
That is light years different than the picture Dawkins presents.