Gaming I

This first part of gaming was a slow change socially. I began to realize I didn’t have much fun or like hanging out with the people I was hanging out with. Here are a couple stories from this time
- Archambault and I started a Schola Cantorum to sang at the Masses.Â
- Once time Phil, Rob and I went running on Ostcherlandsträsse towards the Kebap stand. We got to a point after the stand where there is a road that veers off to the right and goes through a little bit of a valley and then back up to the road over the course of a half mile or so. We kept going and about 4 miles in Rob was behind I was in the middle and Phil in front when we decided to stop and turn around in a wooded area. On the way back about three miles further we came close to a field where we heard a dog barking about 500 yards off in the distance. There was a farmer yelling ‘nien’ at it as it sprinted across the large open field towards us. At first we weren’t alarmed at all because of the great distance, but it did not stop so we began to pick up pace. About 20 seconds later we all went into full sprint as the dog was right behind us snapping at Robs leg. My adrenaline has barely rushed that much in my life and I felt as though I went into a zone, like a fighter pilot putting on the after burners. I kept thinking of the dog and how at any second it might tear into my calf and take me down out of loyalty to its master. We all kept sprinting like this, probably faster than any of us had ever done in a track meet, for about 40 to 60 seconds—I honestly have no way to measure it. Finally the dog gave up because we were running back on the main road again and cars were flying by. It realized it did its job. We all got back to the Kartause in one piece thankfully.
- We kept the tradition of jumping in the creek alive and well.
- Before leaving for 10 day we had a Man night where we made Martinis and watched casino royal in suites and ties. It was wonderful. Phil got the recipe from the internet and they were killer. We woke up to leave for 10 day the next day.