Just like the “old days”: Metaphysics Guides Science
I know this isn’t news to any of the readers of this blog, but I thought it was important to post articles that fit right in with the purpose of my writing here. My emphasis is bold and comments blue
Why do I say “Just like the old days”? Well, in the papal encyclical Aeterni Patris, Leo XIII talks about restoring philosophy to its former glory–to the days when philosophy entailed more than just explaining our own subjective consciousness and the results of modern science.
Why do I say “Just like the old days”? Well, in the papal encyclical Aeterni Patris, Leo XIII talks about restoring philosophy to its former glory–to the days when philosophy entailed more than just explaining our own subjective consciousness and the results of modern science.
Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski said that the study of that which lies beyond the physical realm can help scientists reflect on the meaning of their work, and avoid putting their knowledge at the service of evil.During the International Metaphysics Congress held in Rome on Nov. 8, Cardinal Grocholewski told EWTN News that science has unfortunately led to the creation of instruments that bring evil to the world [always because of human actions as the objects are never evil in themselves–but it is possible to make something that is for the purpose of evil actions], and that people must address this reality.“We have to reflect profoundly on the question of what the meaning of science and its research is. What is the meaning of man and what does it consist of?” said the cardinal, who serves as the prefect for the Congregation for Catholic Education.In the modern world, Metaphysics must be acknowledged as something “absolutely necessary for carrying out science and using it in the correct way.” [He is referring to teleology mainly and that in itself means that there is a “correct way” to use something.]“We have to ask ourselves, what is the meaning of science? What is science for? These are difficult questions, but they are necessary, because science ought to contribute to the good of humanity,” the cardinal added.He also pointed out that the human being is capable of distinguishing between good and evil and scientists are not exempt from this.“We all know well that the great scientific and technological discoveries can be used for both good and evil. They have often been used for evil: for wars that are increasingly more horrific, for injustices, for terrorism and oppression,” he said.Cardinal Grocholewski said metaphysics [including natural law] would alleviate humanity of numerous threats, such as weapons of mass destruction or drugs that pose a danger to human life.“There has been much progress in the world, but the reality is there is misery and injustice.” [This is a slightly unrelated statement…I wonder if it was taken out of context…]Without metaphysics, he continued, “neither philosophy nor religion would exist, nor the great ideals that can change history.” [Well put.]“Doing” must never overshadow “being,” the cardinal said. http://www.ewtnnews.com/catholic-news/World.php?id=6560#ixzz2CR3ziMVn
I wonder how many people out there in the world actually know what metaphysics is beyond its phony section in Barnes and Noble…