Massachusetts House Passes Bill Legally Abolishing Biological Sex

States continue to pass laws removing the phrase ‘biological sex’, replacing it with gender identity, and formally accepting that ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ are mere social constructs rather than the results of nature.
“SECTION 1. Section 92A of chapter 272 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “sex”, in line 9, the following words:- , gender identity.” The bill can be read here (there’s nothing exciting).
First, we redefined science to mean only what is ‘factual.’ Now we’re discriminating among those facts (bigots!) to create the definition, since sex has no inherent purpose. At this rate – every individual is a different sex. Oh wait… The following are the 58 gender options identified by Facebook which will eventually appear as options to those signing up (Reported ABC News):
- Agender
- Androgyne
- Androgynous
- Bigender
- Cis
- Cisgender
- Cis Female
- Cis Male
- Cis Man
- Cis Woman
- Cisgender Female
- Cisgender Male
- Cisgender Man
- Cisgender Woman
- Female to Male
- Gender Fluid
- Gender Nonconforming
- Gender Questioning
- Gender Variant
- Genderqueer
- Intersex
- Male to Female
- Neither
- Neutrois
- Non-binary
- Other
- Pangender
- Trans
- Trans*
- Trans Female
- Trans* Female
- Trans Male
- Trans* Male
- Trans Man
- Trans* Man
- Trans Person
- Trans* Person
- Trans Woman
- Trans* Woman
- Transfeminine
- Transgender
- Transgender Female
- Transgender Male
- Transgender Man
- Transgender Person
- Transgender Woman
- Transmasculine
- Transsexual
- Transsexual Female
- Transsexual Male
- Transsexual Man
- Transsexual Person
- Transsexual Woman
- Two-Spirit