Randomness Part II
Recently in my reading a quote stood out to me:
“It is certainly true that if physics has to move back farther and farther in the regress from universe to multi-verse to something that gave rise to the multi-verse, to something even more basic than that, it will never match any point labeled “last stop, all off” (or rather “starting point” for all destinations). By the same token if it has to move down to smaller and more fundamental components of reality than even fermions or bosons, it won’t ever know whether it has reached the “basement level” of reality. At this point, the theologians and mystery-mongering physicists play their trump card. It doesn’t matter whether there are infinite regresses in these two lines of inquiry or there are not ones. Either way they insist, physics can’t answer the question, why is there anything at all? Or as the famous question was put, why is there something rather than nothing? Physics, especially quantum physics, shows that the correct answer to this question is: no reason, no reason at all.” -The Atheists Guide to Reality, Enjoying Life without Illusions.
You would think that, since for him physics is the standard of knowledge, the conclusion of the paragraph would be backed up by “evidence” from physics that there is no reason, rather than dogmatic assertion.
Any reason that “there is no reason” would be outside of the domain of modern science. Rosenberg would tend toward believing the default state of reality to be disorder (entropy) rather than acknowledging the order that exists at every level of reality, infinite regresses or not. I don’t deny the second law of thermodynamics simply by admitting of order, but I don’t agree that it implies that the default state is “disorder”. Even in what appears to be complete disorder (all differences have been even out with the molecules to create uniformity–suns burnout and we rot into the ground) even still therein exists the order of the molecules and what is below them (And possibly even above them or what was formally us).
The claim that going down further and further reaches closer and closer disorder still has yet to be demonstrated and the fact that intelligibility of all things by physics continues to be asserted by these scientistic people contradicts the claim that ultimately this order is the stuff we are made up of. If through quantum physics we have already reached a level that shows subatomic behavior to be unintelligible then the claim being made by the scientistic people that science will eventually explain everything (including God) is incorrect and modern empirical science as a whole is a failed undertaking. But… But… Given the theory of evolution and enough time of course modern science will explain whatever it needs to.
That sounds like science of the gaps to me.
For the first reflection on randomness take a look here.