It’s been while since an installment of the famous encyclical by Leo XIII “Libertas Praestantissimum. You will remember that the Pontiff was talking about the difference between human reason and eternal reason and the problem with holding
The head of the supreme tribunal in Rome, Cardinal Raymond Burke, has stated that students of Catholic universities have the right to know which of their teachers have signed the oath of fidelity to the Church’s teaching.
It’s a
The matter with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru is settled as far as the Catholic Church is concerned:
N. 3168/12/RS
The Secretary of State, fulfilling the mandate of His Holiness
Prayer for Government
We pray, Thee O Almighty and Eternal God! Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may
It appears Dawkins is at it again today. This time I agree with his first few statements.
People who describe themselves as Catholic but do not accept the church’s key teachings should be “honest” and admit they no
Lady Liberty in the French Revolution
We have been away from the topic for a while now and will return from where we left off.
13. Moreover, the
The Battle for the Core continues as more and more leaders in the Church start begin to recognize what “compromise with the modern world” means for religions. It happens to be a characteristic trait in 18th century modern literature foretelling the utopia
Hot on the heels of Georgetown’s slap in the face to the bishops (12 hours later), in an address to the bishops of regions X-XIII of the United States the Holy Father said the following:
On the level of
It has been a while since a post on Libertas. Here is 7-9. Below follows the text:
10. From this it is manifest that the eternal law of God is the sole standard and rule of human liberty, not only
It comes to our attention this morning that a number of professors at Notre dame (49) have signed a letter asking for Bishop Jenky to resign from the board of Trustees of the university following his controversial remarks (which