I wish to let my readers know that in the coming week and a half the posts will be a bit fewer because tomorrow I will be travelling to Hong Kong in order to attend Serra’s
Transhumanism is the idea that man should eventually transform and make improvements on his body by technological advances. The goal is to become posthuman.
Nearly all religious traditions have held that life after death is something which awaits
The famous and anti-spiritual Richard Dawkins is still on the campaign trail for secularism following two “Reason Rallies”, one in DC and the other in Australia. Along the way he decided he would take a debate
The largest gathering of the secular humanist movement in world history will be taking place 24 March 2012 called the “Reason Rally” to be hosted at the National Mall in DC. Yes, you heard that right…”Reason Rally,”
I just have to share this video:
You thought I was talking about another kind of extremism, didn’t you?I’d really like to examine how that word has come
It can be both. Today from the Cardinal Newman Society we see the effect that writing on the internet can have. My comments are in blue and emphasis in bold:
Villanova Cancels Invitation to Radical Gay
If you saw my post about Fulton Sheen, you would have heard him read the following passage from Nietzsche, which I am sure many of you are familiar with:
THE MADMAN—-Have you not heard of that madman who
As has been partially defined in our posts on faith in science (One and Two), faith is essentially non-rational but evidence based (defined not in the restricted sense given by empiricists but also including the type of faith you may
In the last post on faith in science we were left wondering why there is such a strong trust in what the scientific process or method yields for us. Auguste Comte was fascinated with this last stage, this greatest achievement of