It appears Dawkins is at it again today. This time I agree with his first few statements.
People who describe themselves as Catholic but do not accept the church’s key teachings should be “honest” and admit they no
Some of you may have heard of the book by Edward Feser called “The Last Superstition”. If you have not read it, read it. It is definitely in my top 3 favorite books of all time.
Why? I
The largest gathering of the secular humanist movement in world history will be taking place 24 March 2012 called the “Reason Rally” to be hosted at the National Mall in DC. Yes, you heard that right…”Reason Rally,”
Maybe this isn’t worth my time, but in an lecture at the Jaipur Literature Fest, posted by the Times of India, Richard Dawkins, probably the most famous atheist in the world since the passing of Christopher Hitchens,