Where do we end up after years and years of downplaying and making theology deliberately more vague and humanist? Well, eventually the state just recognizes what everyone else already does….the schools that aren’t Catholic anymore. Who cares what the
Lady Liberty in the French Revolution
We have been away from the topic for a while now and will return from where we left off.
13. Moreover, the
So maybe it wasn’t an official endorsement but here’s part of Pope Benedict XVI’s Easter Vigil homily on 07 April 2012, where he hammers home an essential point:
Photo from Daylife
Readers, please welcome the newest ad campaign on the Chicago Transit system!
Does this look familiar?
All ideologies naturally proselytize themselves…why should they not? They are truth claims about the world outside. Unless
This article probably is not worth my time, but I’ll critique it despite that….
“Scandal is too mild a term to describe the abuse of children at the hands Roman Catholic priests. But whatever