People often criticize St. Thomas Aquinas for being “boring.” Today, on the feast of the Angelic Doctor, I offer this light-hearted reflection… from a great Domincan Blog found below:
Whether Thomas Aquinas is fittingly called boring?
Objection 1: It would
The word science has a different meaning today than it did 100, 500 and 2500 years ago where in each
case an alternative meaning for the word has become primary.
The greeks found philosophy circa 500 BC
The Guardian has reported that Peter Higgs, the particle physicist claiming the existence of the Higgs Boson, the so called ‘God particle’ which most claim supposedly explains away anything related to the supernatural, has stated in no uncertain terms that
In the latest edition of Serra Connects I have written a bit more about what my position at Serra International consists of. I have copied it below.
How do we know there is no contradiction between biology and belief in God? Certainly not by the methods of science. Its called logic…
Scientists: No Contradiction Between Evolutionary Biology And Belief In God
RIMINI, ITALY, August 24
In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must
I’ve decided that I will start an organization here in Chicago that will promote….Veracity and Correctness! This organization will hand out flyers to people on the importance of being Correct in what you say and organize events
In the “enlightenment”, in fact the claim to enlightenment is the idea that we will now focus on the stuff that really matters…the mechanical the manipulation of matter to for technology’s sake, leaving behind our concern
I wish to let my readers know that in the coming week and a half the posts will be a bit fewer because tomorrow I will be travelling to Hong Kong in order to attend Serra’s
Here we continue our analysis of Libertas Praestantissimum, the relevant encyclical of Leo XIII in 1888. Read here the last (and first post), in which Leo XIII defines liberty and begins identifying the modern shift in its definition. Here follows