The secularization of France, once the daughter of the Church, continues. According to katholisches the French Senate claims that in the next year there will be around 2,800 churches in the country which will be demolished. Why? They are empty and
Just like last year on the national level, secular humanists continue to host ‘reason’ events ever more, continuing the tradition from the French Revolution. Its interesting because with these growing each year, it just goes to show even more
Anyone reading this blog probably already intelligent enough to understand why this article is nonsense and part of the continued effort to spin the science of the higgs boson as having significant philosophical, and therefore theological implications, but I’ll
Behold! The latest and greatest evidence out there to show that God doesn’t exist, brought to you by…wait for it…empirical science! The higgs boson, mentioned in the previous post is the answer to why the “supernatural” is really
Today I wish to share with you a reflection on a quote, posted before, from Fulton Sheen:
“There is no other subject on which the average mind is so much confused as the subject of tolerance and intolerance…
It’s been while since an installment of the famous encyclical by Leo XIII “Libertas Praestantissimum. You will remember that the Pontiff was talking about the difference between human reason and eternal reason and the problem with holding
Many of you were following my series on the document Libertas Praestantissimum (On the Nature of True Liberty) and wonder when the next installment is coming (we left off on point 12). To wet your appetite again, I have
I know this isn’t news to any of the readers of this blog, but I thought it was important to post articles that fit right in with the purpose of my writing here. My emphasis is bold and comments
The long and short of it is that the Church's doctrine has always been available in many languages, even during its development in the Roman empire. However, the language which everything has been translated into and used as official was Latin. To not maintain
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According to Immanuel Kant, there are fundamental features of reality that escape our direct knowledge because of the natural limits of