It’s old news that secular society is growing and religion is shrinking both in Europe and the United States. But just in case you didn’t believe what you hear or see on the street, take a look at this new
Understanding where you came from is part of understanding who you are and where you can/are going. When that history is locked in a language that fewer and fewer people know, it becomes more valuable.
Study Latin, particularly if
Battle for the Core highly supports and identifies with this video as it doesn’t support this idea that Christ calls the meek to be weak:
Those who say that the Church should not be triumphant sometimes know
How do we know there is no contradiction between biology and belief in God? Certainly not by the methods of science. Its called logic…
Scientists: No Contradiction Between Evolutionary Biology And Belief In God
RIMINI, ITALY, August 24
Recently in my reading a quote stood out to me:
“It is certainly true that if physics has to move back farther and farther in the regress from universe to multi-verse to something that gave rise to
In the so-called “Enlightenment” the classical view of the world was DIVIDED. Two main movements formed which fed off of each other, leaving us with the intense debate we have today:
Fideism (Faith)
“Faith must
The famous atheist blogger, Leah Libresco, announced on her blog at Patheos last week that she has joined RCIA classes to become Catholic. Her post entitled “This is my last post for the Patheos Atheist Portal” sent a shockwave through the
I’ve decided that I will start an organization here in Chicago that will promote….Veracity and Correctness! This organization will hand out flyers to people on the importance of being Correct in what you say and organize events
It appears Dawkins is at it again today. This time I agree with his first few statements.
People who describe themselves as Catholic but do not accept the church’s key teachings should be “honest” and admit they no