We have some disappointing news from the Cardinal Newmans Society which continues to inform us on the sad state of Catholic higher education in many places in the United States:
Priest at USD: No Professor or
In light of all the public debate about religious liberty, and confusion of terms following Vatican II's document Dignitatis Humanae, I thought it would be useful to review/parse the most directly related document the Church has ever produced on the topic of
The famous and anti-spiritual Richard Dawkins is still on the campaign trail for secularism following two “Reason Rallies”, one in DC and the other in Australia. Along the way he decided he would take a debate
The largest gathering of the secular humanist movement in world history will be taking place 24 March 2012 called the “Reason Rally” to be hosted at the National Mall in DC. Yes, you heard that right…”Reason Rally,”
What is truth?
I thought it would be good to take a step back and review what truth is in the most general sense. Welcome to philosophy! As simple
I just have to share this video:
You thought I was talking about another kind of extremism, didn’t you?I’d really like to examine how that word has come
It can be both. Today from the Cardinal Newman Society we see the effect that writing on the internet can have. My comments are in blue and emphasis in bold:
Villanova Cancels Invitation to Radical Gay
From the Cardinal Newman Society:
The Faithful Catholic College Boom
It’s springtime for faithful Catholic colleges in America, the National Catholic Register is reporting, with an emphasis on those featured in The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College.
For a
Damien Thompson at the Daily Telegraph sets the record straight. As always, my comments are in blue, emphasis in bold:
“…But the crucial point is that the sharpest young opinion-formers are atheists. This is a development