The Final Destination of Modernist Catholicism: Humanism
In Holland the Catholic schools have finally reached the point where they are comfortable removing Catholic from their description. From Epononnmou Flower:
School Federation: “The connection to the Church is already minimal at present” — Auxiliary Bishop: This enables the foundation of “truly Catholic” grade schools, which the state had frequently suspended many in existence with disapproval.
Amsterdam ( A large part of the Catholic grade schools in the Dutch diocese of s’Hertogenbosch will remove the description Catholic during the foreseeable year of 2013.
As the newspaper >>Trouw<< online (Monday) reports, that according to the determination of the scholastic board Signum, a large number of the 24 schools will eliminate the word “Catholic” from its self-description.
“The connection to the Church is already minimal now”, stressed the Signum president Jan Timmers. Of a break with the Church one could not say. “We have been disengaging from the Church for years”, says Timmers. So, the schools will also celebrate the Islamic Ramadan at some time between Easter and Christmas. Also the description of the scholastic mission statement will no longer be relegated directly to the Catholic Church, but to the “individuality of each child”.
The Auxiliary Bishop in s’Hertogenbosch, Rob Mutsaerts, informed the report the following that it is better to
remove the designation “Catholic”, because it doesn’t correspond any more to the school’s concept and moderating content.
This may enable the foundation of “truly Catholic” grade schools. Till now the state has denied such new foundations and it has suspended numerous existing Catholic grade schools.
Another way of phrasing the situation is 100 years of: hijacking (often times allowed highjacking).
It is a good thing that we are starting from the ground up in Holland at this point. It is better to have very few who are faithful to the identity than many who confuse it.
It started with the inordinate fascination with modern science which lead people to the conclusion that it is the only way to know.