The Results of this past November’s Vocation’s Congress in Rome

This past November I traveled to Rome for a Vocation congress put on the by Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations headed by Monseigneur Bonnici and finalized by Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski.The document points out various forms which have been useful in promoting vocations to the priesthood.
It can be found here:
In my opinion it reiterates what most of us already know….the places that maintain the traditions of the Church are the places that have growing vocations. Traditions, as mentioned in section two, include:
- Love and service of the Church
- Vocation directors
- Everyone in the Church, not just priests, have the responsibility to encourage vocations.
- Formation of Christian life (holiness), which includes participation in the Eucharist (I would include in this a well done, appropriate and transcending liturgy), word of God and the exercise of charity.
- Altar serving
- Minor seminaries.